mercredi 19 février 2014

A Plan For Wealth That Makes Sense

By Alex Blouck

Even though most people would readily admit that they wish to become wealthy, not many actually have a plan for creating wealth. You might dream of having enough money to pay all your bills and have enough saved to live well off of your investments but are you serious about becoming wealthy? Being rich doesn't have to be a dream and creating real wealth isn't impossible.

There are different stages of creating true wealth. These stages include making money, saving that money and then investing that money so it multiplies. If any of these aspects of wealth creation are missing or if there are problems in any of these areas, the entire plan will fail. Without investing you must continue to work and innovate to create wealth. Without a plan to save some money for investing you are living on the edge of possible financial catastrophe. While you might wish to focus on income first, having these other aspects of your plan thought out beforehand is important. This is your first step to financial freedom.

Building wealth and creating money out of thin air might sound like a dream but this is going to be your first step. There is a very good chance that you have knowledge or a burning desire that draws you in one direction. It might be a hobby or interest or a natural knack for something. You have an inborn skill that once it is cultivated can and will be used to provide value to others. Perhaps there is something that comes naturally to you. There is a topic or area that you have a natural ability for that you can use to solve a common problem that people have.

There's a good chance that you are making someone else very wealthy right now by working a full time job. You are exchanging your time for money and someone else is leveraging your knowledge or expertise to make more than they are paying you. If you enjoy what you do for a living right now then your goal should be to put that specialized knowledge to work for yourself. There is also a good chance that you have other interests that you enjoy more. Maybe you love fly fishing and you're good at catching trout or tying flies. You could become a fishing guide or write a book about trout fishing or sell your own brand of flies to upscale fishermen like yourself. Or perhaps you love the serenity of gardening and making things grow in your garden using organic methods. You could write a book on organic gardening or start your own organic farm. Now is the time to decide what direction you wish to go in. What makes you happy and what would you like to do with your life? What topic would you enjoy becoming an expert on? Begin to educate yourself as if you were going to become a world renown authority on this subject.

In life, there are always more interesting things to do than there are hours to accomplish all the things you wish. You must sleep and take time away from your work to eat and spend time with your family. There are also everyday tasks that you probably don't enjoy. Have you ever thought about how much more time you would have to focus on creating wealth if you had someone else take care of the drudgery in life? Hire someone to do those things that you don't enjoy doing. If you still enjoy mowing the lawn then, by all means, continue to find time for that. On the other hand, if you dread this task then hire someone to take care of it for you. This might include cleaning your house, doing the laundry, cutting the grass or doing repairs around the house. If you are able to make an equal amount or more money with the time saved then this exchange is profitable. Also, the relief of removing unpleasant tasks that drain you mentally is also a benefit.

Now, if you are someone that has a difficult time with controlling these aspects of your life then you have two choices. You can either let it go completely or you can tell yourself that this arrangement is only temporary. If you become stressed because the person you hire to clean the house doesn't put the glasses in the cabinet the way you like, you can either ask them to do it differently or you can simply deal with it. If the boy that you hire to cut the grass misses a few spots, you can tell yourself that there will come a day when you will be able to hire professionals to come and do your landscaping. Try to put a positive spin on all of this and understand that all of this is for your own good. Forget about these little things in life and concentrate on creating wealth.

Another important aspect of wealth creation that you need to keep in mind is diversification of your income. While you might have only one main interest or project that you want to work on at one time, diversifying your income by being a part of two or three different project can minimize your risk as you build wealth. This can easily be accomplished by being a part of a group or team of friends or investors with different interests or projects.

You might have a few close friends that share the same dream of becoming wealthy. You could create a group and work together on projects while still being independent. Maybe you have a friend that is a carpenter and another that is a computer programmer. You could all work together on three different projects and share a portion of the profits as your businesses grow. You could encourage each other, hold each other accountable and lend a helping hand on different projects as the need arises. Think about this for a while and your mind will find others in your circle of friends who also have the entrepreneurial spirit within them.

Breaking down something such as creating wealth into bite size pieces can help you to realize your dream of being financially independent more quickly and easily. Focusing on the skills and interests that you already have while managing your time to maximize your profits and limiting your risk by being a part of different ventures is the way to true wealth. Never give up on your dream. It might be difficult during the early days or even a little frightening but this is exactly how many of the world's wealthiest people got to where they are today.

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