mardi 18 février 2014

Quick Wealth Creation Without Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

By Alex Blouck

Creating wealth in your life quickly and legally is a goal that many of us strive to achieve. We make promises and resolutions that this will be the year that we break through and start doing something to become financially independent. We want more out of life for ourselves and those we hold dear. We want our children to have a better life than we had. We want to be remembered as being someone that achieved greatness and cared about the people we loved. This is our nature and this is our calling.

The challenge with rapid wealth creation is often the time involved. Our society has become accustomed to receiving everything very quickly. We have fast food, express lanes on our highways and even in stores. We are all so busy and demanding that we sometimes lack the patience to wait six months or a year for something that we truly desire. When it comes to creating wealth, you might have to keep this in mind. When you become frustrated and tired and just want to give up and go back to watching TV on the couch, remember these words. Anything worth having is worth working for and waiting for.

In order to create wealth as quickly as possible you should focus on eliminating debt and expenses as soon as possible. Paying off the smallest debt first and then taking that money budgeted for that debt and using it to pay off the next debt often works best. Interest payments accumulated over a year can quickly add up. If you take a look at this and calculate how much you are paying in interest, you may be shocked. That is your money that you're giving away every year to make someone else rich. Hold onto that money. There might be something that you can do with it someday.

While we are all very busy with life these days, all of us have a few hours of spare time at night or on the weekends that we could leverage to start a small business. While you might think that getting a part time job would be a better solution, it's difficult to find a part time job where you're the boss. Choose to build your business around something that you enjoy doing and you have some talent with. Maybe you have a hobby or an interest that you wish you could flourish into a hobby. This is your time to get very involved in this hobby.

Maybe you love fly fishing or boating. You could start a business building canoes or as a fly fishing guide. Perhaps you have a knack for interior design or home staging. You could start a business based around this interest or you could write a helpful book that includes your knowledge and expertise. Now, before you discover everything wrong with this plan, keep in mind that you are probably being resistant to change. There are people that start very profitable businesses using this very method every year. Why shouldn't you do this again? If you're worried that this business is going to consume all your free time or that you're going to grow to hate your chosen interest then just relax. For every problem there is a solution.

While being a small business owner is wonderful and it comes with bragging rights, this is not your final destination. Your desire and your goal is to make some real money and generate real wealth. You can do this buy growing your business. How do you do that? It's very simple. Invest every penny that your new business makes back into that business, without exception. Put the money into advertising, educating yourself, trade shows and hiring some part time help. As your business becomes more successful you will have to hire more employees and at some point you will find either a manager or a business partner that you can trust with your business. With a partner or manager to take care of daily operations, you will be free to do what you like and still enjoy the pride of having your own business doing something that you love.

To further build wealth and achieve greater financial goals, you should look into investing your wealth. Burying it in the yard in coffee cans or in a mattress won't help your money to grow. Leveraging the money that you have saved and investing it in stocks, mutual funds, an IRA or precious metals will reap you even greater rewards in your life. Find investment vehicles that will give you long term gains as well as those that might be a little more risky but which offer short term gains. Think to the future and come up with an investing goal that suits your lifestyle five years from now, ten years from now and twenty years from now.

These simple steps of reducing your debt and expenses, leveraging your time and talents and growing a small business and investing the profits can turn your life around rather quickly. You may doubt that you can do this but the only thing holding you fast to that couch every night is a lack of faith in yourself. If you believe that you can do it and you have a vision for your financial future which is bright then you can and will generate wealth quickly. You deserve the best in life and so do those dear to you. Create your own financial future and become the one that takes action starting today.

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