samedi 1 mars 2014

How To Get More Followers On Instagram Fast

By Lisa Williamson

For iPhone, iPad, iPod and other Android users, Instagram has grown to become the most powerful online photo sharing tool available to date. The statistic shows that over 100 million users interact per month sharing over 41 million photos per day. This attracts an average of 8,000 likes and 1,100 comments per second. With this kind of popularity, it has become a very powerful marketing tool. If you are wondering just how to get more followers on Instagram fast, here are the most effective tips to help you out.

If you are so desperate for getting attention, branding or selling your business, the easiest way out is to buy followers. This is not a very appealing option but it work if you know how to distinguish real followers from the fake ones. The positive side of buying is that you get several followers in a matter of hours; the negative side is that they may not be interested in your profile at all. For this reason, it pays to attract them naturally without having to pay a penny.

Being a social network tool, the most effective tip is to get socializing with other users. This is by following them first, liking and commending on their photo uploads and joining some micro communities that are popular. Through this way, you get noticed and get followed in return.

The other powerful way is to use other social media and Facebook in particular. If you integrate the two and auto-follow, your Facebook friends who have Instagram get encouraged to follow you back. You can also use other social media platforms to advertise your account. If you have popular blogs, it proves helpful to put a link there.

The photos you upload are the key to everything. The users demand that you offer them something interesting. The photos must therefore be interesting, and personal if they are to attract attention of others. The trick is to have them personal, unique and easy to relate with.

The idea is to capture emotion of those who look at them. In this way, they are likely to leave comments and press the like button. In order to have good photos uploaded, you should try focusing on good use of filtering and other related tools. In the same manner, several photos combined to tell a story and consistency is the answers to big following.

The other tip is to be careful of the hashtags used. They must be the trending ones other than being popular and relevant at the time. If the photos are linked to relevant hashtags, you get noticed very fast. The same trick applies to Geotags which focus on location of the upload.

Timing is the key to succeeding in Instagram. You must be aware of the peak hours of the day that are in the morning and evening. Wednesday from 5-6 pm in particular has been proven to be the best hour to share in the week. A photo shared at these peak hours yields the maximum engagement results. Lastly, you should focus on including clear and relevant call to action.

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