samedi 1 mars 2014

Target User Interests Using Facebook Ads

By Adam Khan

The Facebook advertising platform is a great way to get the word out about a good or service that you are currently offering. One of the great benefits of the advertising program is that one can target a very specific demographic group who is most likely to buy one's particular product. On can even use Facebook paid ads to target specific interests.

Facebook is the ultimate big brother spy tool for getting to know about people. While many people find this uncomfortable, the vast majority of the user base seem to have no problem putting every detail of their person life online. For advertisers this is an absolute gold mine of information that can be used to target certain individuals. This is because Facebook allows you not only to target people based on demographics such as age, sex, and where they live, but also based on what they have publicly liked.

The Facebook custom audiences feature is probably the best way of targeting interests on Facebook. This allows you to target specific customers individually with your ad. You can get these customer lists using any number of paid or free Facebook user ID scrapers. The power in this is through combining criterion to create a more specific profile.

For example, you could do a Facebook graph search for people who like the Denver Broncos and like teeshirts, an even more specific targeted group. Facebook will then return a list of names that you can scrape with the scraper. This could allow you to get an even greater percentage of real buyers to your offer.

Using Facebook paid ads to target specific interests can be a very powerful way of marketing your particular good or service. If you are serious about taking your internet marketing to the next level, consider using Facebook targeted ads on custom audiences.

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