dimanche 18 mai 2014

Misconceptions About Using Instagram For Marketing

By Armando Rodriguez

With over 90 million instagram followers, instagram is no doubt one of the best hits for photo sharing applications. Many businesses in their attempt to broaden their online reach buy instagram followers. However, many businesses still see demerits in the service making them lose out in a strong user base that the social networking site could potentially engage. This is usually due to some misconceptions about the service.

There is a misconception that the service only works if you sell visual products. This is not real and businesses should start treating this as an opportunity to be even more creative. They should develop images that are valuable, compelling or entertaining to share with their followers. Since they do not have products to showcase they can show their culture, employee goodwill, celebrations, merchandise and many more.

This service is available to both big and small brands. It is not only for big brands as you may have been misled. There are small businesses already enjoying this service and have even featured on its blog enabling them to get extra coverage. Artists and vendors are some of the people who have confirmed using the service to get them more sales leads.

It is not true that you can only use the service to post photos. The service provides user generated content by way of participating in photo contents and special campaigns. It is therefore provides both photos and messaging platform that allows businesses to respond to the feedback obtained from followers.

The belief that there is no way of tracking and monitoring the activities of the service is old-fashioned. Analytics platforms like SumAll, nitrogram, stratigram and static among others are now in place. The performance of your brand can easily be tracked by going to the metrics of your account and to those of the community that it belongs to. It is no longer a big deal.

There is also a popular notion that the service provider can use your photos for other purposes. This belief comes from the fact that the service provider published their terms and conditions and many believed that in doing so it was obtaining the right to sell their photos to third parties. The service provider has reworked on their terms of use in light of this misconception and there is therefore no cause of alarm.

Some people also think that service has complex user interface that makes it difficult to use. The service just like many other social sites has friendly user interfaces and is no preserve for only technocrats. You can upload your photos in the normal way you do with other applications like YouTube or Facebook.

Many think of the service as meant for teens and young adults. This is not true since the service is intertwined with other applications like YouTube and twitter. Therefore, your audience is just as large as YouTube or twitter sphere. A wide range of demographics is actually using the service and you should consider using it as a marketing tool.

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